Yoshida - Non-abelian Lubin-Tate 3

This will be a series of personal notes on the paper of Yoshida, "On Non-abelian Lubin-Tate Theory via Vanishing Cycles". The general format would be to have outlines in the first part and (stupid) questions in the second part. Also, in the middle, I will put background materials. Hopefully, most of the questions will be answered by the end of the month.

Current Reference: Drinfeld, "Elliptic Modules".

1. Formal Modules

  • The definition of a formal group and a homomorphism coincide with the one with Yoshida. 
  • There is a canonical homomorphism \( D: \mathrm{End}(F) \to B \) where \( F \) is a formal group over a ring \( B \). If \( \phi \) is an endomorphism of \( F \), then \( D(\phi) = \phi'(0) \).
    • This is a homomorphism as \( D(\phi \circ \psi) = \phi'(\psi(0)) \cdot \psi'(0) \), but as \( \psi \in (X) \subset B[[X]] \), we conclude that \( D(\phi \circ \psi) = \phi'(0) \psi'(0) \).
  • (Example) \( F(X,Y) = X+Y \) is a formal group over any ring. This group is called additive
    • We consider an endomorphism \( \phi \) of \( F \) over a ring \( B \) with characteristic \( p \). This means that
      \[ \phi(F(X,Y)) = F(\phi(X), \phi(Y)) \Rightarrow \phi(X+Y) = \phi(X)+\phi(Y) \] 
    • Write \( \phi(X) = \sum a_i X^i \), then \( \phi(X+Y) = \sum a_i (X+Y)^i \) and \( \phi(X) + \phi(Y) = \sum a_i (X^i + Y^i) \). If \( p|i \) or \( i=1 \), then \( (X+Y)^i = X^i + Y^i \), so \( a_i \) survives, but when \( p\not| i \), ''intermediate coefficient" in \( (X+Y)^i \) is nonzero, hence creates an addition term \( a_i X^k Y^l \) with \( k+l= i \). Therefore, \( a_i \) dies.

      As a conclusion, \( \phi(X) = \sum_{i=0} a_i X^{p^i} \). 
    • Elements in \( B \) is identified with the endomorphism \( bX \). We also have the Frobenius endomorphism \( X^p \) denoted. Hence the additive group consists of the ''series'' \( \sum b_i \tau^p \) with the rule that
      \[ \tau b = b^p \tau \]
      We denote the ring as \( B\{ \{ \tau \} \} \).
  • Let \( B \) be an \( \mathcal{O} \)-algebra. A Formal \( \mathcal{O} \)-module over \( B \) is the pair \( (F, f) \) where \( F \) is a formal group over \( B \) and \( f: \mathcal{O} \to \mathrm{End}(F) \) such that \( D \circ f = \gamma \) where \( \gamma \) is the structure map of \( B \) as a \( \mathcal{O} \)-module. 
    • As \( D \) is exactly looking at its linear term and \( \mathcal{O} \) acts on \( B \) exactly by \( \gamma \), \( D(f(a)) = \gamma(a) \) is equivalent to saying that \( f(a) \equiv aX ~(\mathrm{mod}~X^2) \), i.e., coincide with the definition given in Yoshida's paper.


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