Yoshida - Non-abelian Lubin-Tate 4

This will be a series of personal notes on the paper of Yoshida, "On Non-abelian Lubin-Tate Theory via Vanishing Cycles". The general format would be to have outlines in the first part and (stupid) questions in the second part. Also, in the middle, I will put background materials. Hopefully, most of the questions will be answered by the end of the month.

Excursion. Moduli Space

1. Moduli Space of Elliptic Curves

  •  \( \require{AMScd} \) Consider the category \( (\mathrm{Ell}) \) where the objects are elliptic curves over an arbitrary base scheme
    \[ \begin{CD} E \\ @VV{\pi}V \\ S \end{CD} \]
    and the morphisms are the Cartesian squares
    \[ \begin{CD} E_1 @>{a}>> E \\ @V{\pi_1}VV @VV{\pi}V \\ S_1 @>{f}>> S \end{CD} \]
    • The above Cartesian diagram induces an isomorphism
      \[ E_1 \xrightarrow{~(\alpha, \pi_1)~} E \times_S S_1 \]
    • \( (\mathrm{Ell}) \) is called the modular stack of Deligne-Rapoport.
  • A contravariant functor \( \mathcal{P} : (\mathrm{Ell}) \to (\mathrm{Set}) \) is called a moduli problem for Elliptic Curves.
  • Given \( E/S \), the set \( \mathcal{P}(E/S) \) is called a level-\(\mathcal{P}\)-structure.
  • The moduli problem \( \mathcal{P} \) is called relatively representable over \( (\mathrm{Ell}) \) if for every elliptic curve \( E/S \), the functor \( (\mathrm{Sch/S}) \to  (\mathrm{Set}) \) defined by \( T \mapsto \mathcal{P}(E_T/T) \) is representable. We denote such \( S \)-scheme by \( \mathcal{P}_{E/S} \).
  • The moduli problem \( \mathcal{P} \) is representable if it is representable as a functor on \( (\mathrm{Ell}) \).  We denote the representing elliptic curve \(\mathbf{E}/\mathcal{M}(\mathcal{P}) \).
    • Therefore, we have an isomorphism
      \[ \mathcal{P}(E/S) \cong Hom_{(\mathrm{Ell})}(E/S, \mathbf{E}/\mathcal{M}(\mathcal{P})) \]
    • \( \mathcal{M}(\mathcal{P}) \) represents the functor \( (\mathrm{Sch}) \to (\mathrm{Set})  \) defined by \( S \mapsto \)
      isomorphism classes of pairs \( (E/S, \alpha) \) with \( E \) an elliptic curve over \( S \) and \( \alpha \in \mathcal{P}(E/S) \) a level-\(\mathcal{P}\)-structure on \( E/S \)
    • Converse is also true. If \( \mathcal{M}(\mathcal{P}) \) is representable by a scheme \( \mathcal{M}(\mathcal{P}) \) with universal object \( (\mathbf{E}/\mathcal{M}(\mathcal{P}), \alpha) \) and if \( \mathcal{P} \) is rigid, then \( \mathcal{P} \) is represented by the object \( \mathbf{E}/\mathcal{M}(\mathcal{P}) \) of \( (\mathrm{Ell}) \).

2. Universal Object

  • Let \( U: \mathcal{C} \to \mathcal{D} \) be a functor. Let \( X \in \mathcal{D} \).  A initial morphism from\( X \) to \( U \) is a pair \( (A, \alpha) \) where \( A \) is an object of \( \mathcal{C} \) and \( \phi: X \to U(A) \) with the following universal property: whenever \( Y \) is an object of \( \mathcal{C} \) and \( f: X \to U(Y) \) such that \( f, \phi, \alpha \) commute in the obvious way. (MathJAX does not support diagonal arrows.)
  • As of now, I have no idea how the two connects. I want to know whether or not this definition follows, and there exists a morphism \( \alpha: X \to \mathcal{P}(\mathbf{E}/\mathcal{M}(\mathcal{P})) \) with some set \( X \) such that \( (\mathbf{E}/\mathcal{M}(\mathcal{P}), \alpha) \) is a universal object of \( \mathcal{P} : (\mathrm{Ell}) \to (\mathrm{Set}) \).


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