The topology of the p-adic numbers 3
Let \( G \) be a topological space and let \( H \) be a subspace of \( G \) endowed with the subspace topology. Then \( H \times H \) endowed with the product topology is same as the subspace topology of \( H \times H \subset G \times G \) with \(G \times G \) endowed with the product topology due to: \[ (U_1 \cap H) \times (U_2 \cap H) = (U_1 \times U_2) \cap (H \times H) \] Let \( G \) be a topological group with a subgroup \( H \). We would like to show that \( H \) endowed with the subspace topology is also a topological group. Let \( p_G \) denote the product map. in \( G \) and \( p_H \) denote the product map in \( H \). We want to show that \( p_H \) is continuous. Let \( U \) be an open set in \( H \), then \(U = U_G \cap H \) for some open set \( U_G \) in \( G \). \[ \begin{array}{lcl} p_H^{-1}(U) & = & \{ (h_1, h_2) \in H \times H ~|~ h_1h_2 \in U \} \\ & = & \{ (g_1, g_2) \in G \times G ~|~ g_1g_2 \in U_G \} \cap H \times H \\ & = & p_G^{-1}(U_G) \...